Sunday, June 7, 2020: Trinity Sunday

Welcome to the CHS Vientiane Worship Service Resources

We invite you to take time this Sunday, in families or very small groups of friends, to responsibly share space to worship God together. If you are on your own, please be assured we are together in the Spirit and if you have needs, or just want to share concerns, please don't be afraid to reach out and share these with the CHS community.  Contact details can be found on our church website at:

Ideas for parents to use with their children at home can be found on this page (click this link).
~ Pastor Tony


Scripture Sentence
“Through Christ we have access to the Father
in the one Spirit.”
                                     (Ephesians 2:18)

Almighty and eternal God,
through your Word and Spirit
you created all things.
In Jesus Christ the Word made flesh,
you reveal your salvation
in all the world.
Through your Holy Spirit,
you give us a share
in your life and love.
Keep us firm in this faith,
and fill us with the vision of your glory,
that we may serve and praise you all our days;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Call to Worship
the moon, the stars,
the sun, the sky,
the hills, the seas,
beauty abounds before our eyes.
Gather round
as we come before our Creator God,
maker of all we see and hear,
smell and touch.
Gather round
as we wonder again
at our story of creation.

God - we gather in your presence.
Father - we long for more of you.
Jesus - we place you at the centre.
Holy Spirit - come and fill our time together.
Help us to be fully present here,
to your word, to one another,
and to your creation which you love.

Opening Hymn of Praise   
Holy, holy, holy (MP237)

1  Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty!
    early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
    Holy, holy, holy! – merciful and mighty,
    God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

2  Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
    casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
    cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
    which wert, and art, and evermore shall be.

3  Holy, holy, holy! – though the darkness hide Thee,
    though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
    only Thou art holy, there is none beside Thee,
    perfect in power, in love, and purity.

4  Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty!
    all Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea:
    Holy, holy, holy! – merciful and mighty,
    God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!   

Approach to God
God, there has been no time when You have not been creating;
no space where You have not been imagining.
Before our earliest ancestors existed,
You were dreaming and designing what people could be.
We were born into the flow of Your creativity
and breathe our every breath in Your company.
Come close to us,
come alive in us,
stir us like clouds caught by a summer breeze,
may we cling to You like sweet peas to a fence
and be as open to You as a blossoming sunflower to the sun.
Give us an expansive vision of what our world is and can be,
and let us move to the music of Your resounding call.
We surrender to You, Abundant and Almighty God,
and offer You our worship.

Our heavenly Father
thank you that you love us and care for us all the time.
We know that this week we have not always lived the way you tell us.
We have done wrong things and not done all the good things we should have done.
Only you can save us,
so please forgive us
and help us to live as your friends.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.


God, You know the bitter taste of failure,
You fully understand the temptation to give up.
You stay with us
and quell all those gremlins of defeatism and pessimism and discouragement.
You have forgiven us
for all that’s gone wrong in our living and loving.
Pick us up as we pick up our mats and walk on.
So be it.

“If we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just
and will forgive us our sins
and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
                                                            (1 John 1: 9)


We believe in God the Father,                 
Maker of all things.
We believe in his Son Jesus Christ,
Lord and Saviour of the world.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
giver of life and light.    
We belong to the Church,
God’s family everywhere.

Bible Readings
Psalm:  Psalm 8
First reading: Genesis 1:1-2:4
Second reading:2 Corinthians 13:11-14
Gospel:  Matthew 28:16-20

Children’s Song
God of wonders (MP1089)

1  Lord of all creation,
of water, earth and sky,
the heavens are Your tabernacle;
glory to the Lord on high.
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy;
the universe declares Your majesty.
You are holy, holy;
Lord of heaven and earth,
Lord of heaven and earth.

2  Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light,
and as I stumble in the darkness
I will call Your name by night.
God of wonders . . .

Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth! (3 times)

Prayer for / with the Children
We are yours.
We cannot be bought; you paid the great price.
We bow down as servants; you lift us up friends.

We are good.
Made in your image, channelling your blessings.
We bow down as sinners, you lift us up saints.

We are called.
You know us, you speak our names
We bow down as failures, you lift us up
to stand before Our Heavenly Father
as his precious children.


*Bonus feature: here is the midweek sermon
from Bishop Rennis Ponniah
of the Anglican Diocese of Singapore:

We have a gospel to proclaim (MP728)

1  We have a gospel to proclaim,
    good news for all throughout the earth;
    the gospel of a saviour’s name:
    we sing His glory, tell His worth.

2  Tell of His birth at Bethlehem,
    not in a royal house or hall
    but in a stable dark and dim:
    the Word made flesh, a light for all.

3  Tell of His death at Calvary,
    hated by those He came to save;
    in lonely suffering on the cross
    for all He loved, His life He gave.

4  Tell of that glorious Easter morn:
    empty the tomb, for He was free;
    He broke the power of death and hell
    that we might share His victory.

5  Tell of His reign at God’s right hand,
    by all creation glorified;
    He sends His Spirit on His Church
    to live for Him, the Lamb who died.

6  Now we rejoice to name Him king:
    Jesus is Lord of all the earth;
    this gospel-message we proclaim:
    we sing His glory, tell His worth.

(Please do bear in mind that as long as we are still able to,
CHS is continuing to support various projects and people
in need and needs will likely increase during this time. 
You may want to set aside some money in an envelope every Sunday
and bring these to church when we next meet back at ARDA.)

Dedication of our Offering
God of all goodness,
accept the gifts we bring.
Use them and us for your glory
and the work of your Church;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

At this time, when the tragic death of George Floyd
at the hands of police officers in Minnesota, USA 
has led to protests and unrest around the world, 
we seek to turn our thoughts on this 
and other matters to God in prayer, let us pray.

God of righteousness,
you have taught us through your Son
to set our minds on your kingdom and its values
before everything else.
Give us courage and energy at this time
to think for ourselves clearly and fairly,
to seek for the truth and to follow it whatever the cost.
Help us to believe
that whatever is right is always possible,
and that what accords with the mind of Christ
is upheld by his almighty power.
Grant that in us and in others
suspicion may give way to trust,
and strife to peace,
that we might live and work together
in unity and love;
Leader: Lord, in your mercy
All: Hear our prayer

God and Father of us all,
in your love
you made all the nations of the world
to be a family,
and your Son taught us to love one another.
Yet our world is riven apart
with prejudice, arrogance and pride.
Help the different races and peoples
to love and understand one another better.
Increase among us sympathy,
tolerance and goodwill
that we may learn to appreciate the gifts
that people of other backgrounds bring to us,
and a desire to see all people
as our brothers and sisters for whom Christ died.
Save us from jealousy, hatred and fear,
and help us to live together
as members of one family in the world, though not of it,
sons and daughters of one Father
who live in the freedom of the children of God.
This morning we pray particularly for the family and friends of George Floyd,
Comfort them in their distress with your peace that passes all understanding.
Bring peace to the streets of Minneapolis and other cities
where anger and fear has spilled over into violence.
May it not be an easy peace,
in which the status quo of oppression is maintained.
May Government, law enforcement agencies and communities,
turn to you and receive healing, even if the medicine is difficult to swallow.
Your Kingdom come.
Leader: Lord, in your mercy
All: Hear our prayer

As we seem to be tentatively emerging from the initial Covid19 crisis here in Laos,
we are aware that in other countries around the world, there is still much sorrow and
Lord, we are those who journey.
And there are many who find that journey hard today.
We are those who journey.
And who long to find our hope renewed.
Lord, whether in our own company or with companions beside us,
We journey on.
Whether sure, or unsure, as to our journey’s end,
Come beside us through the risen Lord.
Leader: Lord, in your mercy
All: Hear our prayer

Lord, we pray for others;
For carers of the living and of the dying;
For the bereaved and for the anxious;
For those fearing loss of work and of business.
Lord, we pray for scientists and researchers;
For those seeking to understand the challenge we face;
For those creating potential vaccines;
For those advising decision-makers.
Leader: Lord, in your mercy
All: Hear our prayer

Lord, we pray for those who shape our life:
We pray for the Government of Laos and its leadership and also for the leaders and
governments of the countries we come from.
Grant to them wisdom, compassion and understanding.
We pray for the Lao churches and other churches for the international community.
May you guard and protect your Church from all evil.
May the power from on high, which we celebrated last Sunday with our brothers and sisters from all over the Diocese of Singapore and its Deaneries,
enable your people to shine as lights in the darkness,
showing your loving kindness, sharing the Good News of Jesus in word and deed.
Lord, we pray for your Kingdom to come.
And for your will to be done,
On earth.
As it is in heaven.
Leader: Lord, in your mercy
All: Hear our prayer


Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Closing Song
Days of Elijah (MP1012)

1  These are the days of Elijah,
declaring the word of the Lord:
and these are the days of Your servant Moses,
righteousness being restored.
And though these are days of great trial,
of famine and darkness and sword,
still we are a voice in the desert crying,
‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord.’
Behold He comes riding on the clouds,shining like the sun at the trumpet call;lift your voice, it’s the year of jubilee,out of Zion’s hill salvation comes.

2  These are the days of Ezekiel,
the dry bones becoming as flesh;
and these are the days of Your servant David,
rebuilding the temple of praise.
These are the days of the harvest,
the fields are as white as the world,
and we are the labourers in the vineyard,
declaring the word of the Lord.
Behold He comes . . .

Prayer of Sending and Blessing
God has made us,
God has shaped us,
God has chosen us,
God has sent us.
May we go now
to be makers of God’s peace,
shapers of God’s love,
choosers of God’s way
and senders on the journey.
And may God be ever with us,
ever creating us,
ever moulding us,
ever calling us
and ever leading us.

God the Holy Trinity make you strong
in faith, and hope, and love.
And the blessing of God almighty,
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
be among you and remain with you.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
in the name of Christ.