Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Thanksgiving (using the Ephesians passage)
Good and gracious Father,
We give thanks for blessings
of home and family,
of education and nurture,
of art and science.
For all who make peace, for all who build bridges,
for all who have learned to forgive the past, we give thanks.
For all good people, and for all lovely things,
we bless Your marvellous creation.
For our identity in Christ,
and for those who have explained this and loved it into our lives,
we are truly grateful.
For our place in Christ’s church,
for opportunities to serve and to be served,
we say thank You.
For the wonderful story of our salvation,
for the prophets and apostles who named it,
for the scriptures which carried it into our own history,
we bless Your marvellous purpose.
We thank You that Jesus Christ did not only live for us,
but died and rose again for us.
We give thanks that He lives as the cornerstone of the universe,
that we are built with Him into a holy temple,
unseen yet strong and lasting.
He is our peace: He is peace within our own lives,
He is peace between us all, and His peace is a gift for every situation.
We bless Your marvellous name. Amen.
Intercession (using the Gospel passage)
Let us ask God for rest for the weary ...
We pray for those who are sick and weighed down in body or spirit,
for those who are overworked,
for those who need a break,
for those who near the end of life.
May they know Your peace.
Let us ask God to guide those who are lost or perplexed ...
We pray for all who need shepherding,
and for those who teach and guide others,
in their work, in their home, in their voluntary service.
May they give and receive Your peace.
Let us ask God to provide for the hungry ...
We pray for all who hunger and thirst,
for relief organisations,
for the governments of the world,
for those who rule in our Island state.
May they find peace, create peace, work for peace.
Let us ask God to open places for good news ...
We pray for people who do not know how much You love them,
and for all who share the gospel.
May Your Spirit break down barriers, open hearts,
bring peace.
Let us ask God to hear the prayers of our own minds and hearts ...
These and all our prayers we ask in the name of Jesus
Now, let us join in the prayer our Lord himself taught us: