Sunday, May 31, 2020: Day of Pentecost

Welcome to the CHS Vientiane Worship Service Resources

The combined Pentecost Service from the Diocese of Singapore can be found here:

We encourage everyone who can, to join in the service at 9:30am (Lao time) by following the above link or the link directly to the language of your choice:

English version:
Mandarin version:
Tamil version:

For those unable to do so, here are additional online resources for Sunday worship.


We invite you to take time this Sunday, in families or very small groups of friends, to responsibly share space to worship God together. If you are on your own, please be assured we are together in the Spirit and if you have needs, or just want to share concerns, please don't be afraid to reach out and share these with the CHS community.  Contact details can be found on our church website at:

Ideas for parents to use with their children at home can be found on this page (click this link).
~ Pastor Tony

Scripture Sentence
“Through the Holy Spirit he has given us,
God’s love has flooded our hearts.”
                                     (Romans 5:5)

Almighty and ever-living God,
you fulfilled the promises of Easter
by sending your Holy Spirit
and opening the way of life eternal
to every race and nation.
Keep us in the unity of your Spirit,
that every tongue may tell of your glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Call to Worship
Can you feel it?
The Spirit hovers over this space like a dove in flight.
Can you hear it?
The Spirit offers a voice to us in whispered tones.
Can you accept it?
The Spirit seeks to inspire us and guide us in our living.
The Spirit of God is here.
We worship God, Father, Son and Spirit.

Opening Hymn of Praise       
O worship the King (MP528)                                         

1  O worship the King,
    all-glorious above;
    O gratefully sing
    His power and His love;
    our shield and defender,
    the Ancient of Days,
    pavilioned in splendour,
    and girded with praise.

2  O tell of His might,
    O sing of His grace,
    whose robe is the light,
    whose canopy, space;
    His chariots of wrath
    the deep thunder-clouds form,
    and dark is His path
    on the wings of the storm.

3  The earth, with its store
    of wonders untold,
    Almighty, Thy power
    hath founded of old:
    hath stablished it fast
    by a changeless decree,
    and round it hath cast,
    like a mantle, the sea.

4  Thy bountiful care
    what tongue can recite?
    It breathes in the air,
    it shines in the light,
    it streams from the hills,
    it descends to the plain,
    and sweetly distils
    in the dew and the rain.

5  Frail children of dust,
    and feeble as frail,
    in Thee do we trust,
    nor find Thee to fail:
    Thy mercies, how tender,
    how firm to the end,
    our maker, defender,
    Redeemer, and friend!

6  O Lord of all might,
    how boundless Thy love!
    while angels delight
    to hymn Thee above,
    the humbler creation,
    though feeble their lays,
    with true adoration
    shall sing to Thy praise.

Approach to God
Mighty and gracious God,
It is with gladness that we gather now in Your presence,
bringing to You the worship of humble, grateful hearts.

We adore You,
creator and sustainer of all things,
giver of every good and perfect gift,
for the numberless blessings we have experienced in our lives,
for Your goodness and mercy
that have followed us all our days.

God of overflowing generosity,
we praise You for the supreme gift of Your love
in the coming of Your Son, our Saviour,
the Lord Jesus Christ,
and for the God You have shown us to be in Him.

Today we remember with joy
the coming of the Spirit from the risen, ascended Christ at Pentecost,
upon all those gathered:
dispelling their fears,
clearing their vision,
uniting them as one,
equipping them for mission.

Among us here today,
and among Your people wherever they are gathered,
may the same Spirit of Pentecost
minister grace in these ways to each of us too.

May our hearts and lives be open
to the wind of the Spirit,
the giver of life,
that we may be energised to live more faithfully
as members of your coming kingdom
and as joyful witnesses to the good news of Jesus Christ.
In whose strong name we pray.

Our heavenly Father
thank you that you love us and care for us all the time.
We know that this week we have not always lived the way you tell us.
We have done wrong things and not done all the good things we should have done.
Only you can save us,
so please forgive us
and help us to live as your friends.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.


God of mercy and grace,
We remember that when the Spirit came down at Pentecost,
not all were glad.
There were some who poured scorn on this coming,
and mockery on the now Spirit-filled disciples.

Forgive us when,
in fear and folly,
we bar our minds and hearts to Your Spirit at work.

Forgive us when we refuse to acknowledge the Spirit’s action in others
and in situations out-with our own comfort zones.

Forgive us when we quench the Spirit,
choosing darkness over light,
and stunt the growth of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

Forgive us when we block the Spirit’s constant promptings
to share the good news of Jesus with others,
by word and loving action.

Forgive us when we choose safe and comfortable paths
in place of the sometimes risky – even dangerous –
routes of service and mission
to which the Spirit directs us.

Cleanse our hearts by Your Spirit, Lord,
to be Your dwelling place.

Fill us anew,
that we may be bold and humble bearers
to a world in crying need
of the sovereign,
just and gentle rule of Jesus,
in whose name we pray.

“If we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just
and will forgive us our sins
and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
                                                            (1 John 1: 9)

We believe in God the Father,                  
Maker of all things.
We believe in his Son Jesus Christ,
Lord and Saviour of the world.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
giver of life and light.     
We belong to the Church,
God’s family everywhere.

Bible Readings
First reading:  Acts 2:1-21
Second reading:  1 Corinthians 12:3b-13
Gospel:  John 20:19-23

Children’s Song
This is the day (MP691) (Verses 2 and 3 are not in the video but please do sing them!)

1  This is the day,
this is the day that the Lord has made,
that the Lord has made.
We will rejoice,
we will rejoice and be glad in it,
and be glad in it.
This is the day that the Lord has made,
we will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day,
this is the day that the Lord hath made.

2  This is the day,
this is the day when He rose again,
when He rose again.
We will rejoice,
we will rejoice and be glad in it,
and be glad in it.
This is the day when He rose again,
we will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day,
this is the day when He rose again.

3  This is the day,
this is the day when the Spirit came,
when the Spirit came.
We will rejoice,
we will rejoice and be glad in it,
and be glad in it.
This is the day when the Spirit came,
we will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day,
this is the day when the Spirit came.

Prayer for / with the Children
Lord our God,
we thank You that the Holy Spirit has been here from the very beginning,
moving over the waters of creation,
bringing light out of darkness,
order out of chaos,
to breathe life into us who were formed in Your image.

We thank You for the Spirit’s blessing
upon prophets, priests and kings,
and all Your servants,
who prepared the way for Your coming to us in Your Son.

We praise You for the Spirit’s blessing,
without measure, of Jesus and for everything he did in His life and work,
His dying and rising again,
through the Spirit’s filling.

We thank You that,
true to the promise of Jesus,
the Spirit came in transforming power on the disciples at Pentecost
to send them out on mission,
as Jesus was Himself sent by the Father.

We bless You that the Spirit came,
not on a flying visit,
but to stay with us for ever,
that this presence with us still holds the promise
that one day in a world made new by your love and justice,
all will worship Jesus Christ, its rightful King.

Thank You that the Spirit is with us here and now,
as together we worship,
making real Jesus presence among us,
bringing peace, comfort, correction and grace,
giving new faith, new hope, new life.

Breathe on us, Breath of God.
In Jesus’ name we pray.


The transcript of the CHS sermon for Sunday 31.05.20 can be found here.

The video of the CHS sermon for Sunday 31.05.20 can be found here.
*Bonus feature: here is the midweek sermon from Bishop Rennis Ponniah of the Anglican Diocese of Singapore:

Come down, O Love divine (MP89)

1  Come down, O Love divine,
seek Thou this soul of mine
and visit it with Thine own ardour glowing;
O Comforter, draw near,
within my heart appear,
and kindle it, Thy holy flame bestowing.

2  O let it freely burn,
till earthly passions turn
to dust and ashes, in its heat consuming;
and let Thy glorious light
shine ever on my sight,
and clothe me round, the while my path illuming.

3  Let holy charity
mine outward vesture be,
and lowliness become mine inner clothing;
true lowliness of heart,
which takes the humbler part,
and o’er its own shortcomings weeps with loathing.

4  And so the yearning strong,
with which the soul will long,
shall far outpass the power of human telling;
for none can guess its grace,
till he become the place
wherein the Holy Spirit makes His dwelling.

(Please do bear in mind that as long as we are still able to,
CHS is continuing to support various projects and people
in need and needs will likely increase during this time.  
You may want to set aside some money in an envelope every Sunday
and bring these to church when we next meet back at ARDA.)

Dedication of our Offering
Father, Son, and Spirit Holy,
we give you thanks and praise,
and dedicate to you
our thoughts, our words,
our gifts, our deeds,
the working of our hands,
the thinking of our minds,
the loving of our hearts.

Shield us this day
for the sake of Christ of the wounds.
Keep us from offence,
and compass us with your love
for ever and evermore.

Come, Holy Spirit, restless breath of love, breathe on us now 
and help us to pray as we ought.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come, Holy Spirit,
to Your world today.
As You brought order out of chaos at the beginning,
brood over the chaos we have created in today’s world,
so that people everywhere may learn the way of life as You intend,
and find purpose, meaning and hope in their existence.
Where there is oppression and abuse of others,
bring Your justice.
Where there is anxiety and fear,
bring Your peace.
Where there is hatred and division,
bring Your love.
Where the resources of this awesome world are exploited,
and we fail in our calling as trustees of land and sea,
grant us repentance and the grace to learn a better way.
Guide the rulers of the world
in ways of justice and integrity,
of truth and peace.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come, Holy Spirit,
to Your Church today.
Breathe into us new life and zeal
and delight in the gospel.
Set our hearts on fire with Your love.
Grow Your own fruit in our lives.
As You did that day in Jerusalem,
in all our diversity make us one in truth and love.
Let the gifts of all be valued
and used for the common good.
Empower and equip us
to bear compelling witness to Jesus’ universal Lordship,
by the way we live and speak and serve,
that many will come to know Him for themselves.
Make us unafraid to stand out from the crowd,
and let it be seen that we have been with Jesus.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come, Holy Spirit,
to all who need Your presence today.
Spirit of comfort,
be near to all who are sad and lonely.
Spirit of power,
give Your strength to those who carry heavy burdens
and are weary on life’s journey.
Spirit of peace,
speak calm to troubled hearts and minds.
Spirit of life and light,
lift from despair those for whom daily life has lost interest,
meaning and hope.
Shine the Christ-light into their darkness.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come, Holy Spirit,
and do a new work through the church in this land
and in all the world.
Revive us and equip us for those tasks to which Your people
in every age and place are called.
Sweep Your church forward with
new life, new hope, new vision.
May we act ever more closely together,
in the rich diversity of the one body of Christ.
So may glory be given to You,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever.

Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those 
who sin against us. 
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever. 

Closing Song
Spirit of God unseen as the wind  (MP1351)

Spirit of God, unseen as the wind,gentle as is the dove:teach us the truth and help us believe,show us the Saviour’s love!

1 You spoke to us – long, long ago –
gave us the written word;
we read it still, needing its truth,
through it God’s voice is heard.

Spirit of God, unseen as the wind . . .

2 Without Your help, we fail our Lord,
we cannot live His way;
we need Your power, we need Your strength,
following Christ each day.

Spirit of God, unseen as the wind . . .

Prayer of Sending and Blessing
Holy Spirit, sent by the Father,
ignite in us Your holy fire;
strengthen Your children with the gift of faith,
revive Your Church with the breath of love,
and renew the face of the earth,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
With unflagging zeal, aglow with the Spirit,
serve the Lord.
and the blessing of God almighty,
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
be among you and remain with you.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
in the name of Christ.