Sunday, April 12, 2020: Easter Sunday

Welcome to the CHS Vientiane Worship Service Resources

We invite you to take time this Sunday, in families or very small groups of friends, to responsibly share space to worship God together. If you are on your own, please be assured we are together in the Spirit and if you have needs, or just want to share concerns, please don't be afraid to reach out and share these with the CHS community.  Contact details can be found on our church website at:

Ideas for parents to use with their children at home can be found on this page (click this link).

~ Pastor Tony


Call to Worship

Leader: Surprising events.
All: He is not here.
Leader: The stone has been rolled.
All: He is not here.
Leader: The tomb, it lies empty.
All: He is not here.
Leader: The women have told us.
All: He is not here.
Leader: Christ is risen!
All: He is risen indeed!

Scripture Sentence

We are here to give you the good news,

that God has fulfilled the promise

by raising Jesus from the dead.

                              (Acts 13: 32, 33)


Lord of life and power,

through the mighty resurrection of your Son,

you have overcome death

and opened the gate of everlasting life.

Grant that we, being dead to sin

and alive to you in Jesus Christ,

may reign with him in glory,

who with you and the Holy Spirit is alive,

One God, now and for ever.


Opening Hymn of Praise

1  Jesus Christ is risen today,
    our triumphant holy day,
    who died once, upon the cross,
    suffer to redeem our loss.

2  Hymns of praise then let us sing,
    unto Christ, our heavenly King,
    who endured the cross and grave,
    sinners to redeem and save.

3  But the pains which He endured,
    our salvation have procured,
    now in heaven above He’s King,
    where the angels ever sing:

Our heavenly Father
thank you that you love us and care for us all the time.
We know that this week we have not always lived the way you tell us.
We have done wrong things and not done all the good things we should have done.
Only you can save us,
so please forgive us
and help us to live as your friends.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.


Forgiving Father,
You hear the cries of the soul.
Assure us that there is no length to which You will not go,
no emptiness, darkness or depth which You will not enter,
to find, comfort, embrace and raise us up.
We lay before You our brokenness:
burdens of the heart and fragile memories.
May we take to heart the words of Jesus:
‘Your sins are forgiven’.
May almighty God have mercy upon us,
grant us pardon and remission of all our sins,
time for the amendment of life,
and the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit.

We believe in God the Father,
Maker of all things.
We believe in his Son Jesus Christ,
Lord and Saviour of the world.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
giver of life and light.        
We belong to the Church,
God’s family everywhere.

Bible Readings
First reading:  Acts 10:34-43
Second reading: Colossians 3:1-4
Gospel: John 20:1-18

Children’s Song

Lord, I lift Your name on high,
Lord, I love to sing Your praises;
I’m so glad You’re in my life,
I’m so glad You came to save us.

   You came from Heaven to earth
    to show the way,
    from the earth to the cross
    my debt to pay;
    from the cross to the grave,
    from the grave to the sky,
    Lord, I lift Your name on high.

Prayer for / with the children
We praise you and we bless you our risen Lord Jesus, King of glory,
for in your rising from the dead the power of your love
breaks open the earth and frees life from death.
As the angel rolled away the stone from the prison of the tomb,
so release those held prisoner by the bad things that happen to them.
To you, Lord Jesus, whose life brings surprises beyond our wildest imagining,
be honour and glory, now and for ever.
We praise you and we bless you, our risen Lord Jesus, King of glory,
for your rising from the dead overturns our expectations of life
and even your closest friends could not see the truth before them.
As the angel helped them to understand you had risen again
and helped take away their fear,
so help us to know that you are with us and working amongst us
especially through the difficult times that sometimes overtake us.
Keep us, our families and friends safe and well through this coronavirus crisis.
To you Lord, Jesus,
whose ways astonish far beyond what we were expecting,
be honour and glory, now and for ever.



1   Led like a lamb to the slaughter,
     in silence and shame,
     there on Your back You carried a world
     of violence and pain;
     Bleeding, dying, bleeding, dying.
          You’re alive,
          You’re alive,
          You have risen!
          And the power
          and the glory
          is given,
          Jesus, to You.

2  At break of dawn, poor Mary,
    still weeping she came,
    when through her grief she heard Your voice,
    now speaking her name.
    Mary! Master! Mary! Master!
         You’re alive . . .

3  At the right hand of the Father,
    now seated on high,
    You have begun Your eternal reign
    of justice and joy.
    Glory, glory, glory, glory.
         You’re alive . . .

(Please do bear in mind that as long as we are still able to, CHS is continuing to support various projects and people in need and needs will likely increase during this time.  You may want to set aside some money in an envelope every Sunday and bring these to church when we next meet back at ARDA.)

Dedication of our Offering
We bring our offerings to you,
acknowledging that all your gifts
are given for our own growth
and for the service of humankind…
Receive them and our worship.
Accept us and show us the gifts
we do not know we have to offer,
in the strong name
and by the wisdom of Jesus Christ our risen Lord.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Let us pray.
Holy God,
in diverse and rich ways we feel ourselves to be truly blessed.
Creation’s beauty is a sacrament:
through the sky’s shifting clouds, the majesty of mountains,
the rhythmic sound of waves flowing and ebbing,
we see the unseeable God;
in silver moon and vermillion sunset,
in the singing  of the birds at first light,
and nature’s abundance of bud and flower,
we thank You for the blessing of fruitful beauty,
of creation’s rising.

Response: Bless the Lord, O my soul and worship His holy name.

We celebrate and pray for the witness
of Your church throughout the world,
in all its colour, diversity and difference.
May the Body of the Risen Christ reflect the selflessness of Jesus;
may it be a place of contemplation and compassion.
God of the soul,
in the stillness of this domestic sanctuary,
we bring to You
the suffering of the world.
Present in every aching heart,
Jesus is love and peace.
We are mindful of those broken by life events:
by hardships, injury, unkindness or abuse.
We pray for all who work in caring professions:
for the services which seek to sooth and heal
the sicknesses of body, mind or spirit.
Present in every darkness,
may the Risen Christ burn brightly
bringing light, renewal and new life.

Response: Bless the Lord, O my soul and worship His holy name.

Eternal God,
dwelling deep within us,
bless this country of Laos and the countries we have left to come here
For our leaders and all in authority
Particularly at this time, in the midst of a global pandemic
We pray for political leaders faced with making life and death decisions
on behalf of the people they govern.
Guide all who shape our common life.
May we play our part in helping to build
a future, a society, in which the stranger is welcomed,
the vulnerable are valued and protected,
human rights are honoured, and
creation itself nurtured.
May we commit ourselves to overcome violence against neighbour,
cruelty to living creatures and careless destruction of the planet.
Christ of the cosmos,
rise again in us.

Response: Bless the Lord, O my soul and worship His holy name.

We remember the bereaved,
those who are dying,
those suffering in body, spirit or mind.
In reflective silence,
we call to mind those whom we love,
we remember their smiles, the joy they have brought us.
We give thanks for people of peace,
co-pilgrims of all faiths,
spiritual leaders across myriad cultures,
for all who worship in temple, mosque, synagogue and church,
for all who make that journey inwardly,
for all who seek renewal, rebirth and
the miracle of inner resurrection.
We pray that by your grace and mercy
those who seek you shall find Jesus,
who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

God of Eternity,
surrounded by that great cloud of witnesses,
we pray for our loved ones departed,
mindful that Your Church is one,
for this life and always.
These prayers we offer in Jesus’ Name, and in His words
we would sum up all our prayers, saying together…..

Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever.

Closing Song

1  Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,
    endless is the victory Thou o’er death hast won;
    angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,
    kept the folded grave-clothes where Thy body lay.
       Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,
       endless is the victory, Thou o'er death hast won.

2  Lo! Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb;
    lovingly He greets us, scatters fear and gloom;
    let the Church with gladness hymns of triumph sing,
    for her Lord now liveth; death hath lost its sting.
       Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,
       endless is the victory, Thou o'er death hast won.

3  No more we doubt Thee, glorious Prince of life;

    life is nought without Thee: aid us in our strife;

    make us more than conquerors, through Thy deathless love:

    bring us safe through Jordan to Thy home above.

       Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,

       endless is the victory, Thou o'er death hast won.

Christ was raised from the dead

by the glorious power of the Father.

Set out then on a new life with Christ.

And the blessing of God almighty,

the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

rest upon us and remain with us always.


Leader: Mary told Peter,

All: Jesus is alive.

Leader: Peter told the disciples

All: Jesus is alive.

Leader: The disciples told their families

All: Jesus is alive.

Leader: We can tell our families,

we can tell our neighbours

All: Jesus is alive.

Leader: It’s Easter morning

Jesus is with us

All: Jesus is alive!

Leader: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord,

All: in the name of Christ.



All song lyrics taken from:
From  Mission Praise